Third Edition of EUNIC Ukraine Fund to Support Cultural Presence in New Global Priority Countries
Building on the Culture of Solidarity Funds, a new edition of the EUNIC Ukraine Fund will roll out this year to support the Ukrainian Institute in expanding Ukraine’s cultural presence in eight priority countries.

This initiative will support the Ukrainian Institute in strengthening cultural ties between Ukraine and regions where its presence has so far been limited. In alignment with the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ agenda, the fund will support the Institute’s efforts to establish itself from amongst the following countries: Brazil, Argentina, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, India and Indonesia.
EUNIC members are encouraged to continue engaging with the Ukrainian Institute, particularly as it expands into new locations, creating new opportunities for EUNIC clusters and partners in these regions to collaborate with the Ukrainian Institute and contribute to supporting Ukraine’s cultural voice and sector. The fund has been made possible through generous contributions from several EUNIC member organisations.
Being a part of the EUNIC network and community is of great value - it helps us reach wider audiences, explore new ways of working, and provides opportunities to share our experiences and learn from others. We ask our partners and friends in EUNIC member organisations to involve Ukrainian artists and Ukrainian culture in their activities as much as possible.
Tetyana Filevska, Creative Director, of the Ukrainian Institute
In addition to the EUNIC Ukraine Fund, a series of EUNIC Mobility Scheme visits are planned for March 2025, including trips to the Ukrainian Institute in Kyiv, the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House in Kyiv, and the UNESCO/Lviv Culture Hub. These visits will facilitate knowledge exchange and two-way mobility to and from Ukraine.
As a network and a community of cultural relations practitioners, EUNIC continues its efforts to mainstream Ukrainian perspectives and expertise. A recent example is the Knowledge Sharing Workshop, which explored both theoretical and practical approaches to decolonising Ukrainian cultural narratives.
Examples of wider collaboration and partnerships amongst EUNIC members include the appointment of a Ukrainian Institute representative in the Netherlands, in partnership with DutchCulture, as well as a Ukraine-France cultural festival set for later this year, in collaboration with the Institut français and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Since becoming an Associate Member in 2022, the Ukrainian Institute has been an active and highly valued part of the EUNIC network. General Director of the Ukrainian Institute, Volodymyr Sheiko, and other management colleagues have participated in recent EUNIC General Assemblies including in Bucharest and Brussels, providing updates on the challenges facing Ukraine’s cultural sector. Creative Director, Tetyana Filevska, also joined the EUNIC Regional Cluster Seminar in Warsaw to share collaboration opportunities with European EUNIC clusters and recently met with EUNIC Cluster in Hungary to discuss partnerships and programming opportunities.